Saturday's Game
Hi Team!
Today we had a great game! What made it really special was it was just down right bloody hot but at the end I was hit with so many water balloons, not only did I cool off but I had to change clothes when I got home! That was great!!! Thanks for all the great spirit and teamwork!
Jonathon spent the morning on First Base and did a wonderful job there! As many of the parents know, we (me too) have children very easily distracted from the game to do other things. I truly appreciate the help keeping as many as we can focused on the game. I personally know it's not an easy task! (my own son Carter :-)) This morning we were able to keep the infield involved and it really worked out well. I had asked parents to talk about teamwork and I saw that the children really acted as a team and backed each other up. Great work parents! You should be proud! Our team is really progressing well and I can't wait until next year's season to watch them grow even more!
Thanks again Team for the great game today. See you at practice Tuesday!
PS: I may have misplaced a black bat. Can you check your bags for that wayward bat? Thanks.
Coach Greg